Is The Ketogenic Diet Right For You?

Is The Ketogenic Diet Right For You?

Experts believe that the ketogenic diet is about eating the right foods in the right proportions. When you get it right, your body will begin to burn stored fat.

The ketogenic diet made headlines because celebrities like Kim Kardashian West and LeBron James supported it to lose weight. But what is it, and does science support this hype?

The ketogenic diet, emphasizes high-fat foods and strictly restricts carbohydrates. In fact, according to health nutritionist Jason Ewoldt, RDN, LD of the Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program (HLP), approximately 60% to 80% of calories should come from fat. He pointed out that a true ketogenic diet contains only moderate amounts of protein and less than 50 grams of carbohydrates per day.

Interestingly, the ketogenic diet has been around for a long time to treat kids with epilepsy. But currently, has been used to lose weight or to increase athlete’s endurance in sports such as marathons and triathlons.

How Does The Ketogenic Diet Work?

The typical American diet contains 50% or more carbohydrates, which are converted into glucose in the body. Your cells burn glucose as fuel. However, when you switch to a very high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet, your body will inevitably stay away from glucose and instead use fatty acids and ketone bodies for energy.

What Foods Can You Eat?

Nuts, seeds, full-fat cheese, and other dairy products, pure Greek yogurt, fiber, and non-starchy vegetables, oil, and small amounts of meat, eggs, and fish are the mainstays of the ketogenic diet.

You will need to significantly limit carbohydrates, including bread and baked goods, candy, pasta, breakfast cereals, starchy vegetables such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn and peas, beans, fruits, beer.

What Can I Drink?

Pick up a bottle of water or enjoy some sparkling water. Unsweetened coffee and tea are also allowed. Minimize alcohol intake.

Is It Really Useful For Weight Loss?

Yes, but the answer has qualifiers. It takes two to three weeks to go on a diet to start burning fat in the body (ketosis). Therefore, don’t expect immediate results. Some studies have shown that following a low-carbohydrate or very low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet can help people lose weight.